Importing a Graphic

Importing a background graphic can bring reality into the model. For example, if a layout is created in a graphic package, it may be desirable to import the entire layout rather than create it in ProModel. This is done by saving the file in a graphic package, such as AutoCAD, as a WMF, EMF, BMP, PCX, or GIF file and importing the graphic into ProModel. This can save you an extensive amount of time.

How to import a background graphic into the layout:

1. In a graphics application, save the graphic in one of the following formats, WMF, EMF, BMP, PCX, or GIF.

2. Select Background Graphics from the Build menu.

3. Select Front of Grid or Behind Grid.

4. Select Import Graphic from the Edit Menu.

5. Enter the name of the graphic you would like to import or browse to the directory where the graphic is located.

6. Select OK to close the import graphic dialog box. The graphic will then appear in the layout window. The upper left corner of the imported graphic will align with the upper left corner of the layout window.

How to move an imported background graphic:

Place the cursor on the imported background graphic and drag it to the desired location in the layout.

How to size an imported background graphic:

1. Place the cursor on one of the four corners of the imported background graphic. The cursor becomes a cross-hair at this point.

2. Drag the cursor to size the background graphic as desired.

Please note

Once imported, the background graphic is not a separate file from the model. It is included in the model. Therefore, when moving or copying a model file from one directory to another, it is not necessary to move or copy the imported background graphic file as well. On the other hand, if the external graphic file is changed, it must be re-imported to update the model layout.

Exporting a Graphic

In some cases, it is desirable to export a graphic created in ProModel for use in another application. ProModel will export all objects in the current mode (In Front of Grid and Behind Grid) as one graphic to a WMF or BMP file.

How to export a graphic:

1. Select Export Graphic from the Edit menu.

2. Enter a valid DOS name for the graphic in the resulting dialog box, such as forklift.bmp.

3. Click the OK button in the Export Graphic dialog box.